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Mat finance definition.
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It s used by all the fmcg and pharmaceutical co s on charts showing sales growth.
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The use of mat is illegal in russia though this is only enforced sporadically.
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However inadvertently using mat can make it more difficult or at least awkward to conduct business in russian.
A general term for russian profanity.
Medicine anthropology theory peer reviewed journal mat.
Moving annual total mat the total value of a variable such as sales figures for a product over the course of the previous 12 months.
Matematik is one option get in to view more the web s largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource.
A general term for russian profanity.
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Looking for the definition of mat.
Moving annual total mat.
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This is a rolling yearly sum so changes at the end of each month with data from the new month added to the total and data from the first month of the period taken away.
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It s not mattel or any other company name.