Percentile shows the number of candidates who have scored less than a particular candidate in the mat exam.
Mat percentile below means.
It means that this much percentage of candidates performed below you.
Percentile below means the number of students who scored less than you.
Sectional scores less than 20 and more than 80 are rare.
The mat composite score is given on a scale of 199 to 801.
Composite scores obtained by a candidate total number of candidates multiplied by 100 mat percentile.
Percentile below in the mat scorecard shows the actual percentile in the exam.
The formula to calculate mat percentile score is given below.
For calculating the mat percentile the given formula can be applied.
This is the marks that is to be considered for admission in any b school.
Mat percentile score composite scores obtained by a candidate total number of candidates 100 this formula lets you calculate the percentile score obtained in the examination.
The composite score on mat result less than 200 or more than 800 is rare.